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Self service locker in Lappeenranta Altai Hok

Self service locker in Lappeenranta Altai Hok
From €20.00 / h
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self-service locker

From here you can book gliding snowshoes in Lappeenranta harbour self service locker that operates 24/7

Altai Hok gliding snow shoe is wide and resembles a ski. You could say that it is a hybrid between a regular snow and forest skies. The grain at the bottom will keep it from sliding back when you are clibimng the small hills.

Gliding snow shoes are suitbale for shoe size: 35-47

The kit includes adjustable ski poles.

There are two models of gliding snow shoes: Altai Hok 145 ja Altai Hok 125.

The number tells the lenght of the equipment. Model 145 is 145 cm long and the 125 is 125 cm long. The shorter version is suitable for persons that weight 75 kg or less, the longer model is suitalbe for persons that weigh more than 75kg. These limits are recommendations.